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Heritage and Debt / The June of Everything

This project departs from a reading of David Joselit’s Heritage and Debt: Art in Globalization (MIT Press 2020). The resulting essay, Heritage and Debt / The June of Everything has been turned into a film essay and accompanied here by a play called Heritage and Deluge / The Coup of Everything and a conversation called Heritage and Shao / The Becoming-ergon of the Parergonal Discourse of Evaluation. There is also some audiovisual remixes, a playlist and an Etsy store called Heritage & June.

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Read the essay

Critical and hopefully lyrical reflections on David Joselit’s Heritage and Debt: Art in Globalization.

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Watch the film

Heritage and Debt / The June of Everything set to iPhone footage mostly taken in the corresponding period.


See the play

Heritage and Deluge / The Coup of Everything is a play in looped images.

Hear the conversation

Heritage and Shao / The becoming-ergon of the parergon of evaluative discourse

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John’s Redwoods Mix

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John and Frank Oh Deer We’re Falling Mix

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H&D / JofE

Escape the algorithms mix

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A somewhat fungible collection of writing, images and objects in the medium of Etsy