ritualsintime.space is an archive for the period in which I attended the Art and Ecology MA program at Goldsmiths, University of London. It includes writing and images produced for this context in conversation with preexisting media from a diverse range of sources. It’s very unedited and I would perhaps use its content in different contexts or configurations in the future. I think its interesting to share this kind of work in all its messiness and provisionality. Partly because life often takes you away from things you found important and doesn’t always allow you the time to return to them. Maybe it’s useful or beautiful to other people in this state and it doesn’t need to be hidden until it’s more refined. Some of the writing seems a bit strained to me, like I was experimenting with academic and other specialized kinds of language and now it feels clumsy and awkward to read. I feel that way about a lot of past writing and images though, and noticed I’ll revisit things many times and feel differently about them each visit, I try to read myself compassionately and charitably. I believe I have good intentions, I’m trying to be helpful and generous, perhaps too critical of the wrong or simply minor things. At one point I did a rough accounting of the site, it was towards the end of the project, and came up with this list… and then kept adding to it. I thought it might be interesting to annotate the chapters with voice notes from a later vantage.

85,433 words
2,645 images
53 loops
15 films
1 thesis (Biennialization and hyperculture; the decolonization of time, dissolution of borders, reimagining of socioecological space, and plural flourishing of more-than-human dignity, or, the everywhere perennial of quotidian kindness and beauty.)
20 open letters
845 links
1 libretto 
9 field recordings
2 playlists (rituals shuffle & Deconstructing the Western Passionfruit Narrative)
7 biennial visits
1 provisional outline for basic social dignity
1 institute for interspecies sociality (an affect driven research stream for more-than-human conviviality)
1 graduation show (The Sianne Ngai becoming-ergon of the parergonal discourse of evaluation library and tearoom)
1 ongoing practice of generosity, friendliness, openness and uncertainty
1 distrust of numbers as anything but an occasionally helpful conceptual device

visit: ritualsintime.space